I can't believe the babies are already 6months old! Our days go by so fast! Before I know it, it will be summer and I'll planning their 1st birthday! I'm just ready for them to start holding their own bottles! I'm also looking forward to them sitting up on their own and crawling. I know it may sound silly to look forward to crawling with 4 but I do! The other evening I was flipping channels and came across a show on Discovery Health, I women giving birth to triplets. They were showing her c-section. The emotions that overwhelmed me surprised me. It took me back to the babies birthday and my own c-section. I still need to write about that day. It's still so vivid in my memory. So I couldn't watch the show, too emotional for me. Heath has been holding his head up better while on his tummy, getting stronger everyday. On Tuesday we took the quads to Cranial Technologies in Dallas to be evaluated to see if they will need cranial bands. I don't know how people live with all that traffic! It's crazy! Ricky and Heath for sure need the bands (which we already knew). They say Ty could also benefit too from one. His asymmetry is low to moderate so its kind of up to us if we put him in one. Leah doesn't need one at all! It was a long day and totally screwed up their new schedule I've been working on. So now for the past couple days trying to get them down and to stay down for their afternoon nap has been a challenge. I had to put Leah in the playpen today because she kept bugging Ricky. She can be so noisy and wiggles all over the place! Now she's being like Ty and turns herself over when she's supposed to be still and sleeping! Ty's eating is still up and down, we go back to the doctor next week for checkup and 6month shots. Oh joy! I have a prayer request: My cousin's oldest son, Clayton,he's 11, had a place taken off his face that came back as melanoma. He went to Cook's for lymph node biopsy and it came back positive for cancer. Please keep their family in your prayers. He will come to Cook's to begin treatment but will able to do the rest at Shannon hospital in San Angelo (they live in Eldorado). His mom is a nurse and will be able to give him the shots later on down the road after they get through the initial start. The first month is treatment 5 days a week. They also have 2 other children that this separation will be hard on them. So please keep them in your prayers :Cody, Christy, Clayton, Colton, and Cassidy Arendt.
Hi tina! they are all just sooo cute, i wanna squeeze them. i have to admit I log on regularly to see any updates. They are all growin like weeds!Take care, much love, jamie cozby
Tina, I log on all the time to see the kids. Thank you for thinking of us when I know you are so very busy. We are at Cooks right now. Clayton is having his line put in. Lots of Love, Christy
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