Tyler and Leah with Aunt Barbara.
Ricky with Uncle Bud
Bud and Barbara were in for the weekend to come to a Cowboy Church conference in Whitney. They were able to stop by before they had to head back home on Sunday. Love you guys! Wish we were able to see you more!
Jenna pushing Heath around in the little wagon. After this, the boy got busy pushing the wagon around himself. He did it all afternoon! Wore his little legs out!
Leah and Heath playing with the ball blower/popper. They like to lean over the top where the ball pops us and feel the air blowing in their face. All the kiddos figured how to work the thing mighty quick. They also like to stick other toys and pacifiers and even their hands and arms down the tube too.
Obsessed with Little People.
I never thought that the babies would already love playing with the little people this much. A friend of ours, Mrs. Cecelia brought the quads her grankids farm and we had the house and more figures from when Jenna was younger. Glad I kept them, because everyday they will lay on the floor and play for quite some time. Ricky likes dumping them out of the container I keep them in. Randy will get a pile of them in front of Leah and then she knocks them all over the place. Randy calls her a little tornado.
Mass destruction in less that 60 seconds.
These kiddos can tear up a room quick.
He-Man pushing the lion. This is his favorite of the push toys and most of the time he pushes it sideways, whatever works!
On 8-11 Heath started clapping. He loves pat a cake. By the end of the second week in August, he was finally crawling up on all 4's. I switched him to whole milk on his birthday and he started saying"cack-cack" for duck. Kristi was watching the babies for me on the 26th so I could work and she got Heath to tickle Ty. By the 31st He was becoming a little dare devil and letting go some. His balance is no great by himself yet, but it will come. He just laughs and pushes your hands off of him. He's so trusting, knowing your going to grab hold of him.
Tyler resting his tush on the ball while he plays at one of their activity tables.
Tyler started getting his 3rd tooth (top right front)in around the 16th of the month and the next day I caught him shaking his head "no ". By the 31st, he was getting his 4th tooth in on the top left front. Ty-Man been crawling all over the place and climbing on everything too. He's been quite talkative and playing with new sound he can make with his mouth. But of course one of things he likes to do best is spit or blow spit.
Heath, Leah, and Tyler getting a ride from Daddy on the blanket.
Mama's boy, Ricky.
Ricky started clapping the 12th of August and the next day I switched him to whole milk. On the 15th I noticed his 6th tooth coming in, top right side. I finally caught Ricky saying Mama on the 19th. He's been standing this month on his own for a minute or so. He's going to be the 1st to walk. You have to watch or he'll bite ya, I have the bruises to prove it.
Ricky destructing the basket of bibs.
Just about everyday, the boy gets into the bibs. And if he isn't then one of the other ones is.
My crazy little girl!
Some days she's just plain wild!She's still being a picky eater. Eats better some days. She not big on textured food yet. Alot of it she spits right back at ya. She's been crawling on all 4's about the same time as Heath, around the 11th. She got her 3rd tooth coming in on the 23rd, the top front left one. On the 26th she waved bye-bye to Randy when he left for work. She was actually trying to be sweet to Heath on the 29th and was trying to hug him when he was crying. Too bad he didn't care for it! But, it was still so sweet! Then on the 31st she decided she wanted to get in on the tickling and started tickling Heath. She's been throwing some good fits, rolling around in the floor, stiffens up and gets beat red. Quite entertaining, at least she's not biting..yet.
Jenna pushes Heath around on the lion.
Tyler and Leah playing with the money jug (too bad there's not more in it-lol!).
All of them like to get behind the door and mess with this jug. Alot of times they are trying to chew on the top. Everything is a teether these days.
Little Miss Thang!I told ya'll Baby D is for Diva!
Heath, Leah, Ricky, and Ty looking and talking to Daddy through the window.
In the mornings I raise there blinds,and they love standing at the window. Sometimes they get to see their Daddy as he pulls up from work. They thought it was quite entertaining but quite couldn't figure out why they couldn't get to him through the window.
Leah on the move while Heath uses the table to cut some teeth.
Could use a little help here. Just a little stuck Tyler?
I found the paper, now where are my presents?!
I'm trying more table food these days like eggs, bananas, green bean bites, yogurt. They love yogurt. They love homemade rolls, pancakes, macaroni. I've waited longer than I did with Jenna, She quite eating baby food around 9months. With them being preemies, I've been more cautious, afraid they may have trouble, but they liked everything so far. Leah of course is another story. She's going to take a little longer transitioning to table foods. The boys eat pretty much anything. Of course some days like things better than others, but what kid doesn't. We've had another awesome month and a great birthday!
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