Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aug 18th 2nd bday

On August 18th, our four little monkeys turned 2! Another year had flown by! Once again, we have been so blessed not to have any major illnesses over this past year. I know that they are toddlers now, but I still call them my babies! It's just hard to believe that they are already 2! Randy picked out a singing Mickey Mouse card since they love to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when they first get up in the am.

Big Sis with our birthday monkeys.

We were talking about them have dirty toes which heath thought was pretty funny.

How old are you today? We had been working with them trying to get them to hold up 2 fingers, any 2 fingers!

Jenna and Tyler pose while Heath, well not sure what the boy is doing!

He's been quite a character!

Nana brought by balloons during her lunch for the birthday babies and Jenna. Notice Leah in mid jump!

Ricky swinging that balloon.

Jenna getting in on the picture with Heath.

Leah multitasking. She can hold her baby, Lovey, balloon, and "ba" without difficulty.

The little red man running wild through the house with his balloon.

The Fab 4 about to attempt to blow out their candles this year.

Mama and Daddy trying to get Heath to blow his out without putting his hands in the flame.

Tyler looking quite shocked while Heath digs in.

Tyler having a little trouble with his cupcake.

"Look at my hands!"

Jenna and Heath.


Leah doesn't really like for her hands to be dirty.

"Here Pa, have some before you go."

Trace of icing still on Ricky.

"My belly has ears too."

"Why are you people laughing at me?!"

"Got a little on my hands here."

"Ohhh, the sugar is kicking in!"

Randy is dumbing all of Heath's crumbs into his mouth.

Now Tyler needs the rest of his.

"If I watch how she does this, then I can do it myself instead of waiting on her."

Heath ran around with his new backpack MoMo gave him for pretty much the rest of the evening until bed!

"I got this one Mom."

Jenna helps Ricky with the unwrapping.

This picture just cracks me up! Leah working so hard to get it in and Kristi waiting for it all to hit the floor!

Heath working on one of his dozers.

Ricky with one Elmo hand and chalk in the other.

You can't see it but, Leah has her ball that you bounce around on the rubber band. She was getting after it!

"The static electricity is pulling me in!"

Everyone helping Daddy put together the Little People car ramp.

It takes everyone's help!

Leah jumping around, dancing a jig!

Roo is getting tired! The sugar has now worn off!

"I think I need to add a little more air."

Tyler and heath giving the cars a run.

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