This picture was for our Christmas card.

We decided to wear Texas Rangers shirts for Christmas picts this year since they had a great season! A friend from Stephenville Courtney Boles is starting a photography business and offered to come take pictures for us.

First shop trying to everyone looking in the same direction.

I love this picture of Leah. Her hair has gotten so long! Just makes you wonder what she's thinking.

Leah ans Tyler. I had given the boys haircuts the day before, so its looking pretty short!

Heath and Leah. I was trying to get a little smile out of Heath. He wasn't wanting to stand up there for a picture.

Ricky of course found the gate ans was trying to figure out how to open it! Heath has come to help. My little Handymen!

There's that face again! :)

Ashley and Jenna.

All of us heading down the street for our pictures. Got to take advantage of the nice days and walk.

Ricky and Leah looking back at Courtney wondering what the heck she's doing!
Thanks again Courtney for coming on such short notice!
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