Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

October Picture Overload!

Better late than never! That seems to be my motto these days as I'm always blogging late. Yes, of course, Tyler has an Aerosmith onesie on! He also has a bid too that says " A is for Aerosmith" Aunt Kristi hooked him up with the duds.

Still amazed that this big boy figured out how to get in this thing!

Ricky's first black eye happened on the 2nd. He whacked his eye on the corner of the coffee table as he was walking by Brad. He got a busted lip too.

Tyler in a box while Heath's running around. I so do love baby jammies!

Ricky getting a wagon ride at Nana and Pa's house.

Not sure what Randy just caught Jenna doing.

" Hey Dad, let's watch a little TV."

The boy has curls! I just love the back of his hair. The more humid it is or right after bath, they are the best. Tyler and Leah have a little too but nothing like Ricky's.

Silly girl walking with her lovey. She just decided to up and walk on the 12th of October. When she first started she held her hands in the air all the time. On the 15th noticed that her 5th tooth was coming in on the bottom. on the 25th she started making the come here motion or also give me with her hand.

On the 19th, Heath took off all over the house, walking with his hands in the air. On the 7th he got his 8th tooth on the bottom. On the 1st, he started blowing kisses . On the 24th he started pointing to things. He's been showing his temper more.

The quads like to get between Ricky and Heath's bed and the window to look out into the front yard.

Silly little Roo Roo!

Tyler and Ricky Actually sitting down on the couch together and being nice!

This is Ricky deciding to sit on the bottom of the ladder as Randy was hanging the new ceiling fan base. By the 4th of October he was walking everywhere. On the first he started giving sugar and blowing kisses. Ricky is my little helper. he hands me his bottle and nearly can say "thank you". He also like to collect everyone elses bottle, sometimes before they are done. He was even trying to help me give everyone else a bath. He tries to pour water on their heads and pats them with a rag.

Can't pass up some sleeping baby pictures!
Heath with his lovey on his head and blanket in his face. He's always like his face covered with something (scary for me).

Lee-Lee with her lovies. she actually has 2, but the pink cheetah one is her favorite.

Ricky stretched out. They all still sleep with their lovies from the hospital too.

Tyler cuddled up with his Ducky.

" See Mom, I can climb on things just as good as the boys."

My other child, Mollie my niece. She's got some school spirit going on for game day.

"Throw me the ball, I'm open.'

Rocks with dirt are good protein and for cutting teeth.

Outta my way! This little man decided to start walking more around the 23rd of the month. By the end of the next week, he had it down. He's a high stepper walker. Tyler likes to dog pile and lay on someone else to give them hugs/love. But he is not fond of someone else giving some love back. He's still the squealer.

Ricky and Leah in the pig toy box. A moment with no fighting!

Jenna playing with Leah, making her giggle. Two sweet sistas!

Our little Halloween Kitty.

3 out of 4 looking up ain't bad! I wanted to get a picture of them all in their Halloween shirts but couldn't get them still by myself. So Nan tried to get a quick picture while I wrestled them.

Boooo! Aren't I scary!

Tyler's got some suctioned going on that sucker! Mollie couldn't pry it out of his mouth!

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